Every job is different and every interview will be made up of different elements depending on the company and the position that you are going for.
They do however, all have a similar structure and preparation for interview should be done, whatever job you are applying for.
Recruitment agencies will always fully brief candidates with as much information as possible, on the job, the environment and other relevant information. If you are not applying through an agency, it will be your responsibility to source this information yourself.
Remember that knowledge is power and the more knowledge you have on the company and the position will make you stand out from the other candidates.
The following tips will help you get a step closer to getting that job:
- Prepare, Prepare, Prepare – Research the company via websites, word of mouth, news media etc. The more you know about them, will impress the interviewer and show’s a proactive & positive approach.
- Get up early if the interview is in the morning. Be ready in plenty of time and then allow more time than usual to reach your destination – There is nothing worse than a candidate being late for interview.
- Take several copies of your profile or CV – There may be more than one interviewer. Don’t fold your CV and make sure it’s in a protective cover.
- Take copies of certificates – have details of any certificates or evidence of achievements to back up your CV and answers.
- Take a breather – a deep breath before interview and a glass of water will help calm you before the interview – Don’t drink 20 cups of Espresso whilst you wait, you will sound like “Michael Motor mouth”.
- Keep perfume and cologne to a minimum – even though your partner may love it, it could be overpowering to the interviewer, who will then be in a hurry to get the interview over and done with.
- Look sharp – clean shoes, no nicotine stained fingers and clean teeth will go in your favour.
- Prepare answers to standard – but sometimes difficult questions, such as “Tell me a little bit about yourself”, “why does our company appeal to you?”. Make sure your answers tie in with your CV. These sorts of questions are an excellent opportunity to tell them how much you know about their company.
- Make eye contact – no fidgeting and a firm handshake will also help you along the way. A good tip for people who get sweaty palms is to keep your hands flat on your trousers/skirt throughout the interview.
- Be honest – if you lie about yourself you will probably be found out. After all if they don’t like you, then it’s probably not the job best suited for you.
- Prepare some questions to ask the recruiter – but don’t put too much emphasis on asking about pay increases, benefits and sick pay/holiday pay. Maybe some questions on training, personal/staff development and if there is a standard route to career progression.