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3 examples of how to explain your weaknesses in a job interview

    Concerned man in a job interview

    One of the most difficult questions to answer in a job interview is – what are your weaknesses? The reason why this is so difficult to discuss for most is because it’s essentially being honest about possible flaws.

    In a job interview you always want to be positive about your abilities, and explain to an employer what you have to offer. So talking about your weaknesses feels like you’re admitting to not being up to the task – but it doesn’t have to reflect that way if you know what to say.

    Here are 3 answers you can give when asked what your weaknesses are in a job interview…

    I am too critical of myself

    Being overly critical and doubting your own abilities can hinder your efficiency in the workplace. This however can easily be turned into a positive, as you can explain that you’re a perfectionist and are always looking to ensure everything is done correctly.

    Any weakness you give as an answer should always be explained properly, and closed out by confirming what you’re doing to improve. This example is a really good one to use in an interview because it can actually be perceived as a good trait in some instances. Accuracy is always important in any role, so the employer may favour a perfectionist over a sloppy employee, even if that means they take a little longer than others.

    Are you a perfectionist and worried it may be holding you back? Here’s a great article to read and find out more to help you in your question to become the perfect employee – Why Being A Perfectionist Can Hold You Back

    I try to go it solo sometimes

    With this example you can talk about how you often get too engrossed into your work that you can sometimes fail to seek help when a problem arises. Maybe your pride gets in the way a little from time to time, and you’re aware that seeking help and guidance from others is far more important to ensure your targets are met.

    To close this one out you could say that you are now a lot better at asking for help when things go wrong, and that you’re aware of the benefits of interacting and learning from other co-workers and managers.

    Afraid to take a risk

    This example depends highly on the role and industry you are applying too. Taking risks can sometimes be deemed as reckless, whilst some careers depend on it. Try to figure out beforehand if this one is the right answer for you, as it could backfire.

    A sales role will likely need you to take risks now and again to close out a deal. So this answer could fit nicely into the interview, as you could then go on to say that you are now taking more risks to get the job done. On the flip side, you could reverse this by saying you’ve taken too many risks in the past and are now a much more conservative and calculated person.

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